Tuesday, September 14, 2010

navigating SCAD

Yesterday my form, space and order class toured the SCAD building. We began at the front of the building; entering the front door and walking to the back parking deck. We analyzed the space, how it is divided with mainly visuale cues and NO signage.
A visitor or new student my find this intimidating. I know I did. But perhaps SCAD designed the school this way on purpose. The feeling of being lost will practically force you to try to find you way around on your own and eventually ask for help. This would help a new student start to talk to others and feel more comfortable with their new surroundings. I feel the "SCAD maze" may have been designed on purpose to get us students talking to each other.

image from: http://cohga.net/flickr/user/21150737@N03_20.html

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