Friday, September 24, 2010

My Design Philosophy

My design philosophy is to create an environment that evokes the imagination. I approach design as a challenge of aesthetic and function. However difficult the challenge, I like to use a sense of fun and playfulness when coming up with a solution. If feel spaces that have solved design issues with a bit of humor are much more smart and interesting.
I am also very passionate about incorporating sustainable products and practices into a design. I feel green design is a great way to educate clients about the benefits of designing and living with the environment in mind.
I also feel that a small, well-organized and efficient space can be green. When designing I like to use a space to its maximum benefit for the user so that there is not a lot of wasted space in the end. This would also help a client to more easily take inventory of their belongings and not waste money or embodied energy to buy new materials. I also like to repurpose and reuse things in a new way in order to save time and embodied energy of new materials.

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